People wondered who Jesus was even 2,000 years ago. He asked his disciples, “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” (Matthew 16:13). And people had many different opinions even then. The answer can’t be found in religion, only in relationship.
In choosing to get to know Jesus, you’re entering into the most amazing relationship you’ll ever experience – a relationship with the Divine – a relationship with the God who not only purposefully created you but who loves you passionately and wants to give you a life that matters. His desire is for you to grow closer and deeper with Him.
Jesus is God’s solution for all of our issues. When you make a decision to follow Him, you step into the eternal and abundant life Jesus promises for all believers. God authored life, and He knows how it works best. He wants to guide you in truth so that you won’t be duped into making choices that are deceptive and destructive. His love for you is real. And, just as in any relationship, in order for it to grow and develop you’ve got to spend time together. That’s how it is with your new relationship with Jesus. He wants you to spend meaningful time together each day so that you’ll be able to experience first-hand what following Him is all about.
Congratulations if you made a decision to follow Jesus! We are thrilled you took this step and we want to pray for you on your journey. Download the "You Said Yes" devotional book below.